St. Chad’s is an inclusive school that caters for a wide range of SEND needs and has high aspirations for all.
This page is designed to provide parents and carers with information around specific SEND needs and signpost avenues of support. If you have any requests for information you would like to see here, please let Miss Jackie Matthews (Inclusion Leader) know via have produced useful short guides for various family members:
Below you will find information about local support groups for children and families living with Down Syndrome.
Tel: Wendy Uttley 01274 561 308
or 07964 847 775 (Penny Fieldsite) or 07738 287 024 (Broomfield site)
Mobile: 07964 847 775
The Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA) have produced a number of parent information leaflets, which can be found on their website here:
These booklets may be of particular interest:
Speech and Language is more than the way we speak. This document is designed to provide parents with an overview of the essential components of speech, language, and communication, so that all areas can be carefully considered when reflecting on your child’s development.If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
It can be difficult to know what typical speech and language development looks like as children grow. To help provide a guide, we have pulled together the following document with information directly from ICAN (a communication charity who host the work of The Communication Trust):
(Information correct at the time of reference: September 2023.)